Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011


In Second Life everyone can enable google translate for the text chat. You do this in the preferences [CTRL P] and under 'Chat' and at the bottom of the page it will say something like 'Use machine translation whilst chatting powered by Google'. Whilst Google announced to discontinue the many application who are using this translation tool, as long as it exists, many people use it.

There is a problem though when using it for Japanese. It will not translate romanji. It will only translate japanese characters. For more information on how to install Japanese characters on a PC, click here.

Isn't this all that is needed. To translate the japanese characters? Well, since I write romanji and many of our students write romanji, I was thrilled to see that Draceina programmed a tool to turn romanji into japanese characters.

It was so funny to see Draceina hold a box for each of the participants.

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